Monday, March 17, 2008

The Itinerary

This is the plan. We may stick to it, we may not. Whatever happens, we will begin in London, end in London, and come back home to Missouri. London to Dublin (maybe) to Paris to Madrid to Barcelona to Rome to Venice to Vienna to Innsbruck or somewhere in Switzerland to Munich to Prague to Berlin to Amsterdam to Brussels to London and then Home to Missouri.

Hoping for Sunny Weather

This time tomorrow Brian will be on his way to the airport. He decided it would finally be a good time to start packing and getting things in order. With less than 24 hours to go, last-minute packing guarantees that he won't miss a thing. His excitement is starting to get the best of him, and his level of giddiness has sky-rocketed in the last couple of hours. If I'm not careful, he might try and stuff me in his big backpack. Not that that would be a bad thing. It just may start to smell since he's only taking three t-shirts and a pair of underwear (a few more pairs than one. . . but not many). Thankfully, Brian has someone to be smelly with. Hopping around through Europe with him is Andy Johnson (in picture below).

Andy is living in Columbia. He also graduated from Mizzou in December, and like Brian, is searching for something to do. He is a member of the "Black Cloud Gang" (deemed so by me, Jess), along with Daniel (my older, bad-luck prone brother), Josh Hake, and a few others. I'm crossing my fingers that the sky is clear and blue for them abroad and free of black clouds and thunderstorms.

Twenty-eight days, fourteen cities, however many couches can be found, and two college graduates with backpacks and a frisbee. What can I say? I'm more than a little jealous.